Tour Guide

Emma is originally from Oakland, California, and has made many different cities home, but has been in Pittsburgh since the summer of 2021 and is so thrilled to be living here! One of her favorite things to do is walk around the city. Emma feels that it is one of the best ways to get to know the many neighborhoods in the Burgh.
She attended Denison University (2017) where she studied International Studies and Education, which brought her to study in Jordan and many Middle East countries to further her studies in Arabic. Following graduation, she spent time teaching in New Orleans before moving to NYC to earn her Master’s in Social Work at Columbia University. She works for a local Lawrenceville nonprofit, assisting in various neighborhood programs and community engagement.
Emma went on her first ‘Burgh Bits and Bites tour of Lawrenceville on a visit to Pittsburgh in January 2020. She loved how it highlighted the neighborhood and its history. When Emma moved to Pittsburgh she contacted Sylvia and quickly began her training. She is very excited to now be leading the first tour she went on in Lawrenceville! She hopes to share her enthusiasm for Pittsburgh, its history, and its food with all of you.
“Try not to resist the changes that come your way. Instead let life live through you. And do not worry that your life is turning upside down. How do you know that the side you are used to is better than the one to come?”